Daniel Hahn

Ich bin ein Berliner

A lot of stuff has happened since I last posted here - most importantly, I am no longer living in Italy. Three weeks ago, I took my stuff and moved up to Berlin (yes, the one in Germany). Currently Ingrid just has a tiny room here, and we're in the process of looking for a proper place to live. Which means that the new address and stuff will be coming up soon, for those to whom it may concern.

Moving in itself was kind of an adventure in itself. Since I can't really take any holidays in the new job until next year, I decided that at least I'll take up the motorcycle and planned of doing the Via del Brennero from km 0 (which happens to be in Pisa) up to the namesake pass in the Alps. The best part of this was really the part going up from Lucca to Abetone, at 1400m in the Appenin - nice, twisty roads and not much traffic. The part through the plains was quite hellish, with lots of heat, lots of commercial vehicles on the road and not much landscape around.

I stopped over in Trento for the night - thanks to Beatrice and Iacopo for taking care of me. The trip over the Alps was quite nice again, although it could have been much better if it weren't for the rain that started shortly before entering Austria. When I arrived at my aunt's place in Prien, a could literally spill the water from my boots.

I then took the car-train to Berlin, together with my trusty Kawasaki, and arrived only to depart again one day later. Luckily, Paul was crazy enough to accompany me back to Pisa, and we did the round trip, including loading and unloading of furniture, in under 60 hours ;-)

And while the weather in Berlin is not quite as nice as in Italy, I like the city a lot. And this weekend it was sunny enough to go up to the lakes with the new colleagues, take a trip in some canoes - and now I'm sitting in a rooftop garden, with a view of the big city.

Enough for today, I'll be back with more news - or at least that's what I usually promise ;-) I'll also try to upload some pictures to Flickr...

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